On Syd's 5 month birthday we made a discovery - HER VERY FIRST TOOTH!! This officially makes her not a "newborn" anymore. I can't believe it. Gavin did not get his first tooth until he was 9 months old and I anticipated much of the same from Syd. So much in fact that I ignored the following signs:
Drooling. Big deal, Gavin was a drooler, in fact unfortunately he can still be a drooler. It doesn't mean a tooth is imminent.
Always has a finger in her mouth...or yours. She LOVES chewing on her hands but won't take a paci so I assumed she was an "oral baby." If you put your hand close to her mouth, watch out, she'll eat it.
Crabbiness. She's been clinging lately...but we've been traveling and her sleeping has been off and you just never know what it could be.
Doctor Said So. At her 4 month appt the doctor told me her gums were swollen and she was teething. I told her that was crazy b/c Gavin didn't get teeth until 9 months. She said it may take a while for those teeth to come through but they were working on it. I promptly left the office and told everyone what a crackpot my dr. was.
So....I guess I really shouldn't be surprised, but I still am. (No pics yet, she won't keep her tongue still to get one.)