Sunday, July 24, 2011

T Ball Round 2

We signed Gavin up for a second round of T-Ball class. I can't say that it was much better--at all. But he likes it and the more exposure he has the better. There are some classes where he refuses to even go out on the "field" without Chad or me and sometimes he is more than happy to try on his own. The bigger problem is there are a lot of tears when he doesn't get to catch the ball and the other kids get it first. Right there are just a lot of new lessons to be learned. He's adorable in his excitement about it though so we just keep trying.

Friday, July 22, 2011

On a Safari

This kid cracks me up with his cuteness sometimes.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Manis & Pedis

Ever since my kids have seen my nails painted, they've been begging for their own polish. Mainly Gavin. I keep telling him polish is for girls but he tells me not if it is blue. Blue is for boys. So he continued to beg so we finally picked up some blue and purple polish (his choices) at the store. I figured I would indulge them just this one much to Chad's chagrin. So...we were playing outside over the weekend and I finally gave in. Their very first mani/pedi experience....from the pictures you will see it is very high class! ha!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Splashin in Frankfort

One Friday, Heather, Lisa and I hit up the Frankfort splash park. In theory it was good but there were lots of big kids (spraying little ones or their moms--ie Lisa), the water was cold and the space was limited. Alas it was shortlived. Our kids preferred to just stand on the outskirts and watch the action. Oh well.

Monday, July 18, 2011

"Fish Out of Water"

...or Gavin out of bed! This kid never gets out of bed. Ever. In the morning, after nap, he ALWAYS just calls us...or so we thought. Tonight was the first time we busted him hopping out of bed when the door was closed. I have to admit, its kindof funny because he thinks he's so sneaky and there he is fast asleep hours later with books in his bed....or we see him hopping out of bed to get a paci (a big no-no!!)on the monitor.

Its all harmless...for now! :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Art Class

So Lisa, Amanda & I decided to sign up the older kids for a 1 day art class at the park district. It was cute and the kids had lots of fun doing their projects. It was nice for us to get a little one on one time with the older ones too. Of course no special outing for the kids is complete without a trip to McDonald's afterwards.

Messy hand this craft in class so we don't have to do it at home.

Creating new colors.

Jackson and Amanda.


Tracing our bodies

Then coloring our faces, clothes, etc.

Gavin & Mom.

Little Starlets.

Post class McDonald's treat...and remembering how easy it was with just one child!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Movies!!!

We took Gavin to his first movie (Cars 2) in the theater this weekend. We tried to prepare him for it but it is really hard to describe what it is like. So we told him we were going to watch a movie on a tv as big as our house. He got the concept and was pretty excited about it. We met up with the Agemas and Jackson so they could do it together. They were adorable and Gavin loved it. He sat in awe pretty much the whole time...although I think the popcorn helped with that too. :)

Getting ready for the big show.
These two crack me up.
He's such a big kid!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Let's Go White Sox!

Somehow no matter how busy our lives are and summer in particular...we still manage to find time year after year to make the Cubs/Sox game with the Agemas. Some things never change (like the fact that Amanda and I like to match)! I have to admit I look forward to it every year and this year was no exception!

Who says Sox fans aren't hot?

Case in point.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

Fourth of July is so fun....especially if Chad gets to spend the day with us. Even better yet the weekend with us (rare but always hoped for!!). Its typically a pretty warm day here but for the second year in a row we went to the Mokena parade and the kids loved it! Its a great parade and close to home. We also did our annual get together at our house with friends for the 4th. Love watching all the kids together...they have so much fun!

Gavin and Reagan waiting for the parade to start.

Only my dad. Seriously. Two different tennis shoes. (As if I needed to point out this was my dad and you couldn't tell from the sneak peek of boy legs in the picture)

Proud to be American!

We've got our spot staked out and we are ready to go!

Sydney showing off her little heat cheeks.
Waiting for candy and waving to everyone.
A HUGE (and very loud) hit with everyone!
Grandma and Reagan both content.
She figured this one out pretty fast.
Our favorite of the day!!!

That same was time to party at our house...
Make-shift slip and slide Chad made for our hill.
Gavin loved it.
As did most of the kids.
Except Sydney.
Who despised it.
This was apparently more her style.
Fort Fun.
Syd and Lo having some girl time.
Our meager fireworks display.
Lisa & Lisa hanging out.
Becca and Sarah and Carson.
The great slide pile up.
They just crack me up....little ants all marching in a row.
Reagan living it up in style.