Friday, December 5, 2008

Let It Snow!!

Earlier this week we got our first offical snow that stuck around so Gavin and I thought we'd enjoy it a little bit. It took my mom and I as a team about two times longer to get him bundled up than we actually made it outside. Ha! We put him in a snowsuit and boots and seriously, he couldn't even move. We plopped him in the snow and while he was amused for awhile, the inability to move which led to a faceplant in the snow cut our time outdoors quite short.


Anonymous said...

I love his little snowsuit! He looks like Ralphy's little brother in the Christmas Story. So cute!

benjamin said...

Way to go, Gavin! First play in the snow. cute! Don't tell Zach. I didn't even venture into the boots & and snow pants department with Zach this year. Although, I know he would love to be out there with his sister.