Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Holland 2009

Each summer my Mom goes up to Holland and Silver Lake for two weeks....and although I've always gone for some portion of that, since I've had Gavin, I go with her for the long haul (or close to it). It is really fun to be able to spend lots of time with family and Gavin just LOVES all the attention, sand, water, playtime, you name it, that he gets up there. So, our first stop was Holland to visit with Gram and Gramp Evenhouse for a few days. The weather was a bit cold while we were there but we still found plenty of time to enjoy the beach. I even was able to squeeze in a girls night out with some of my college girlfriends which was a real treat.

Gavin on the beach.

The chilly water didn't seem to phase him in the slightest.

For some reason, every time we walked past this duck, he felt the need to ride it.

This is what he really like to ride though.
Lesley, Carrie, me, Jamie and Rebekah at Boatwerks. Nice.


Amanda A said...

That pic of Gavin on the duck is hilarous! And cute shirt in the last pic. squines

Carrie said...

Ok, I'm cracking up over here over the- he felt the need to ride it... TOO Funny! It was good to see you, even if it was too short of a visit.

Lisa Thomson said...

I, too, think the duck pic is the best! So funny. Nice you got to sneak in a girls night!

Lesley said...

cute! Love the duck pic. :)