Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Potty Training

We're about a month into potty training and it is BRUTAL! We started the day after Labor Day and went cold turkey--right to big boy underwear. I think Gavin's ready. He understands and he has the necessary control...I think.

Day 1 = 5 pee accidents, 1 poop
Day 2 = 3 pee accidents, 1 poop
Day 3 = 1 accident, 1 poop
Day 4 and on = 0-1 pee accidents, always 1 or 2 poops.

Here's the thing. I can handle the peeing. I can handle the wet floor and the gross clothes. I CAN NOT handle poop in the pants each day. Its disgusting and makes me scream and vomit all at the same time.

Gavin "gets it." Every time I put him on the potty, he goes. We started putting him on every 30 minutes and have since stretched the time longer and longer. He knows how to make himself go. He doesn't tell me when he has to go but at least he goes when I put him on the potty. However, the kid will not poop on the toilet. I've tried catching him in the act, bribery, you name it. He won't do it.

This makes me scream. Then again...he loves his big boy underpants so much, its adorable. I'm invested....so we are going to keep plugging along.


Lisa Thomson said...

He looks like such a champ in his big boy undies! Here's to hoping there are poop-free days ahead of you...

Lesley said...

ugh. i do not envy you. good luck!