Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Girls Vacay!

I just went on my first official girls vacation--on a plane, without my husband and without my kids! I enjoyed 4 glorious days of taking care of myself, waking up by myself and spending hours of time that did not revolve around meals, snacks, naps or bedtime! We ate dinners at 8 pm, we shopped, we slept in....glorious. Carrie, Lesley and I went to Naples and had so much fun spending time together and catching up. The weather was a bit chilly but that did not stop us from soaking up some sun and laying by the pool. It was totally rejuvenating! Honestly, us moms need to do this kind of thing more often!

Ladies shopping trip at the Best of Everything!

Pinas by the pool.

Carrie and I.

Downtown Naples.

Yum....sweet treat.

Mixing up a poolside batch of daquiris.

The girls.


Lisa Thomson said...

looks like a fun (and much deserved) time!

Amanda A said...

Fun times! Glad you could get away!

Lesley said...

is it time to go back yet? so fun!