Friday, January 14, 2011

Let it Snow!!

We finally got a good snow that was going to stick around long enough for me to bundle up the kdis and take them out in it. I think the bundling up part took about as much time as it did for me to get cold enough to head back inside! Actually, Gavin LOVED it! He cried when we had to come inside and was out again later helping Daddy do some shoveling. Syd on the other hand was terrified...then excited...then mesmerized...then cold. She'll get used to it. It was fun to get some cute shots of them outside.

Mr Gavin very happy to be outside.
Syd froze, wouldn't move and cried...not unlike our sand experience but a bit less dramatic.

My little snow bunnies.


More than happy to flash a smile.

Finally peanut was starting to see the fun in this.

Sledding down our hill!

Warming up with a hot chocolate treat with Mom.

Back outside with Daddy later.

Hard at work.


Amanda A said...

Love it! Snow = fun (most of the time anyway!)

Lisa Thomson said...

Love that Gavin joined you with hot chocolate drinking. Where did you get that mini shovel?