Thursday, March 10, 2011

Moe & Kate Playdate(s)

We were so excited when Nate and Christa and the girls decided to come for a visit! Gavin was waiting alllllll week for their arrival and when they finally came he was not disappointed. We packed in so much fun over the weekend. They seriously love being together and we love to watch them interact. Even Sydney thinks she should get in on all the action. While they were here we hit up some favorite spots: the Frankfort Children's Museum, Alsip Nursery and Choo-Choo Johnnys. So fun to have them stay here and wish we lived closer!

Miss Kate making some soup. Sydney surfin' the web. Pretty girl Morgan and Aunt Jen.
Such a stinker.
Dr. Gavin.Gavin & Morgan examine their patients.
Seriously...I see a future for Gavin.
Dino diggin.
Kate and Gavin - this vet station was a huge hit.
Giving some test results....
Dress up.
At home beauty salon.
Apparently our bug catcher, doubles as a hair dryer...who knew!
Helping out Alsip Nursery with some watering.
Choo-Choo Rides.


benjamin said...

How cute! I recognize that place :) I can't believe you grown up your nieces are getting!! Looks like fun.

Lesley said...


Megs said...

i love the first pic of "dr gavin"!