Tuesday, April 12, 2011

16 mo. vs. 3.5 years

So I try to stay on top of getting my kids pictures taken professionally--not always sure why since we have tons of great candid shots on our own, I'm always a month behind and let's face it, the kids are never easy. But...I did it again. These were supposed to be Syd's 15 month shots....and I figured I'd do Gavin at 3 1/2. Well here is what I can say about these two ages:

1- Gavin finally gets it. He turned on the most brilliant of smiles, poses and charm. He was trying to engage Syd to help her smile and seriously was a champ. So, 3.5 years....that's when it gets a big easier.

2- Sydney, oh Sydney. Her age is awful. Terrible. Brutal. No smiles, no sitting, no amusement whatsoever in the process. Instead, she spent the whole time running, screaming, pulling her hair clip out, lifting her dress over her head and touching things she shouldn't. The only time I got her to really smile was when she was hiding in the corner.

1 comment:

Lisa Thomson said...

These pictures. kill. me. with. cute. Like I want to order some and put them on my own walls...weird?