Monday, May 28, 2012

Dear Baby

Dear Baby -

This is it....the last time I think of you and refer to you as an unknown in my belly.  Tomorrow you'll be here, in our arms and we'll associate you as part of our family in a new way--boy or girl.  Lately everyone keeps saying boy (and I have to admit, I definitely agree) but whatever you are, I know we'll love you like crazy.

You are super have an older brother and sister that are SO excited to meet you.  They are going to teach you so much in life and they have already informed me of those things.  If you are a boy (which at this point is the only thing Gavin will accept) Gavin informed me that him and Daddy will take VERY good care of you.  I'm excited to watch them with you and I think about how fun it will be to watch your eyes notice them for the first time...and your little giggles and smiles at their silly antics.  They are crazy and loud and demanding but you will love them.  I promise.

As for me and Dad--we are pretty excited too.  I'm pretty nervous and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sitting here a bit weepy....hormones, nerves, anticipation, nostalgia.  You have been so active lately like a constant reminder of your impending arrival.  As I sat outside today and you hiccuped and wiggled, I was sad that this might be the LAST time I ever have that feeling.  The amazing feeling of a beautiful baby kicking around inside.  Its my favorite thing of pregnancy.

I just want you to know that tomorrow we start a whole new ball game....commonly referred to as zone defense.  I'm not sure how we'll manage and I know we will make lots of mistakes.  As you've probably already figured out in there, your mom is not perfect....I can be all over the board and there is no shortage of getting upset and yelling or crying.  But that being said....I can promise you, I will always do my best and I will love you beyond what you will understand....because I already do.

I'm weepy...I'm nervous...I'm apprehensive....but I'm excited and anxious to meet you. You are already a special gift and I know God has great things in store for you.

Lots of love on the eve of your birth,


(Here you are...last night in my belly...tomorrow you'll be out!)

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Oh my word, how special that you wrote this. So sweet.