Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dar & Kristen's Wedding

Last weekend our good friends Dar (Matt Darling) and Kristen finally tied the knot!! It was a beautiful day and a beautiful wedding. We had so much fun celebrating with them and it was truly a joy to watch how happy they were on their wedding day. It was a great night for all of our friends to be together as we toasted the bride and groom.

Some of my fav ladies posed for a pic- Lisa K, Lisa T, Amanda and I

Another fav lady--and fellow preggo at the wedding.

Chad and I.

Chad and Zak toasting to awesome tuxes.

Super hot Moms.

George is an animal...pun intended.

Bride & Groom--getting down.

The guys....

and the fabulous women they were lucky to catch.

The bride and groom.

Chad & I with Dar & Kristen.

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