Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4 Months Old

Four goodness, time has flown by. We've had some big advancements this month (see previous post). Babygirl, here you are in a nutshell:

Official stats:

Weighs 19 lb 5.5 oz.
26 1/2 inches long

The doctor was amazed at Syd's growth and strength...and although she isn't rolling over consistently, the muscles are definitely strong enough to do so. In fact, the dr got quite a laugh at how long and persistent Sydney was in assuming her "flying/Shamu postion" on the table...claiming in all her years, she had never seen a baby do that for so long. The appointment went great with a few small tears when she got her shots.

Sydney has become more and more alert and aware of her surroundings. She prefers to be sitting in her bumbo where she can watch Gavin buzzing around her...or on the kitchen table where she feels "part of dinner" (is this a girl after my own heart or what). She has really come to love her activity mat and is constantly pulling all the toys on top of herself.

She's a drooler and loves gnawing on your shoulder or her fingers. She has big open mouth smiles that make her eyes squint and makes the recipient laugh.

We struggled with sleep in the beginning of the month...but a few weeks into month 4 and she figured it out. Once she found a rhythm, she started rocking a two hour am nap, a two hour pm nap and a 45 min catnap (when all goes well). She eats 4 1/2 times a day (and the 1/2 is the dream feed which I should have probably dropped sooner but only did at 4 1/2 months).

Just can't believe 4 months has come and gone...

March Meltdowns.

This month has been especially difficult in regards to Gavin's speech....he is making progress but its slow going and its frustrating to see how far behind he is in speech. We're starting to talk about what is next on the horizon for September he turns three and will start a whole different "regiment" for speech. It could be 4 times a week, it won't be in our house, it will be with different therapists, it could be in a classroom setting, it could cost A LOT more, it could not be one on one, we have to see a nuerologist, it could be something more, it could be a lot of different things.

What I do know is that lately, I feel defeated. I feel frustrated. I feel hopeless. I feel sad.

I know this isn't how I "should" feel but March has brought many tears and many meltdowns.

I'm giving myself March, but that's it.

Bring on April....and a new attitude (and if God's feeling generous, a few new words would help with that).

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March "Firsts"

We've had a couple of "firsts" this month.

Sunday, March 7 - first sweet little baby giggle. I kept prompting it until my cheeks hurt it was so cute. We've had a couple repeat performances, all as magical as the first, but they aren't commonplace....yet.

Sunday March 14 - first roll over, tummy to back. I heard Syd screaming mad in the middle of the night so I went to go check on her, and guess who was laying there looking up at me (she sleeps on her tummy). However, we've only seen this one other time, last week, after a nap in her crib. I cannot get her to do it on the floor or during playtime. Which poses the question--is she screaming because she rolled over in bed or rolling over because she is screaming?

Somewhere mid March - Syd's first cold...complete with runny nose, congestion and cough. Breaks. My. Heart. Thankfully, not long lasting.

This is just a few to not in our year of firsts to come....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3 Month Pics

Early this month I had Syd's 3 month pictures taken....she wasn't that smiley for them unfortunately but she was pretty cute. These are technically about 3 1/2 months. I'm just glad I got to document her rolls in all their glory.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

For the Next Time Around II

Again...Notes to Self...

When it comes to the will have multiple questions about when you did this and when you did that. And unfortunately for you, the next time around you probably won't have your friend Carrie to ask questions. Or you will but she won't remember either b/c unlike you, she'll be done having kids. So you won't have the luxury of her just having a baby right before you this time (although you can always hope). You've had it easy the first two times--instead of researching it all yourself, you can rely on her. She'd be a millionaire if she had $1 for every time you started a phone call, conversation or email with "when did you...." (love you carrie). So here are some things to remember:

- Started putting Syd up in her crib for naps btwn 8-12 weeks.

- She slept through the night at 10 weeks but you had to work at it--weaned her feeding time (a few nights), offered a paci (a few nights) and let her cry and resettle on her own (two nights). done.

- At around 14 weeks you put her on 4 hour schedule because she was consistently sleeping through her feedings.

- Somewhere between 2-3 months you started dream feeding and putting her to bed for the night.

- At four months she started having 45 minute morning naps - for one week straight.
(still determining how to fix this)

- She moved to her bed at 12 weeks. Gavin moved to his at 8 weeks.

- At four months you are still dream feeding--should you be? Not sure, Carrie is on vacation and so I can't ask her.

- Syd became pretty scheduled early on. She did not like to be rocked to sleep. Gavin took longer and was still being relaxed to sleep at 5 months. At five months, you sleep trained Gavin which was lots and lots of crying. (this does not need to be noted because it will not be forgotten).

- You had your first beer when Gavin was 6 weeks old. It was a bad idea. You had a glass of wine at 8 weeks old. Another bad idea. Your first glass of wine with Sydney was at 8/9 weeks old. A third bad idea. Next time, just wait.

I will be adding to this list as I figure them out.

For the Next Time Around

Dear Self,

Please remember a few things about your body when you decide to do this again (and you will do this again.) It will take you more than a week for that belly of yours to go back down--you will leave the hospital and it will still be round and you will feel bad about it. You will probably say to your friends, I don't remember it being like this last time. It was. You personally won't feel it has gone down a substantial amount for two weeks. Do you hear me? Don't stress until after two weeks.

At which point, please don't stress some more because you will still not be able to fit into your pants (and you will start to try b/c you actually want to get out of the house in something other than yoga pants). You will try on your "bigger pants" which won't fit. You'll feel bad. This will happen multiple times over the next few months. In fact at around 6 weeks you'll start to feel like you've lost enough that those pants HAVE to fit. They won't. But that is ok.

It will take you until 3 months to fit into your pants again and even then your stomach will be saggy but it will be small(ish). You'll fit back into your fave jeans and you'll actually put on an outfit and feel good about yourself (because you aren't wearing something underneath that is holding everything in). In fact at 3 months things will fit you that didn't even fit you two weeks before that.

Three months. You hear me self? Stop the tears, the discouragement, the stress next time. Wait until three months. If that doesn't do the job, well then I don't know what to tell you because that pregnancy will be unlike your other two.

Here's to being a little patient the next time around...and remembering your body will never be "the same" but you WILL fit in your jeans again.

Cheers to pre-pregnancy jeans.