Monday, March 21, 2011

A Regular Crafty Cathy

Here's how I spent my night one night while Chad was out of town....I started and couldn't stop....(insert nerdy craft jokes now).


benjamin said...

Shut up! Oh my word, good job. You are going to have come over here and help me do that! I will admit I bought metal clips, ribbon and the glue to make some clips a few months ago, but they are still sitting in my "craft" box downstairs. Love those!

Lesley said...

Good work Jen! I love making bows. Wish you were closer to make them together. :) Maybe on our next girls we can all do it!

Amanda A said...

LOVE these (and so does Ella!) I KNEW you had the crafting gene in there somewhere! :)

Lisa Thomson said...

You ARE a crafty cathy! And I love that we were the beneficiaries of said craftiness.