Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A 7 Month List

So I feel like so many things are changing in Gavin's 7th month of life and I haven't made note of any of them. So, I figured I'd just make a list of things that are happening or have happened recently that I'll probably want to remember someday (and since this blog is primarily for my own records, everyone who reads it, just has to endure).

1) Gavin is crazy with the rolling. He has rolled for awhile but just recently has become very efficient in using this as a method to get from point A to point B. He rolls with aggression, perserverance and extreme intent.

2) He is on all fours rocking back and forth. Crawling is in the future...just when I thought I'd get a handle on the rolling.

3) More on the movement--the kid won't be still in his crib. I always find him turned around, upside down and backwards...usually with a huge grin. He also likes to use his feet to turn on his Ocean Aquarium...kinda lazy like his mom, why bend over and get it when you can use your toes?

3) He has decided nursing just ain't his thing. He fights for 2 out of his 4 nursing periods a day. But taking a bottle...bring it on. He loves it. Which leads me to...

4) I started giving him formula once a day. Its fine except that formula smells. It is kinda gross. Not sure if it is the kind I am using or what but he drinks it down. However, he has been so darn crabby lately, I am wondering if there is a correlation and I should switch brands...hmmm.

5) Yesterday, for the first time he pooped in the tub. Yep. He loves loves bathtime. He gets crazy with excitement and anticipation when we even go into the bathroom. He rolls, bends, squirms and splashes through his whole bath and loves it. Yesterday, he was feeling so good, he left a present floating in it. Gross.

6) He screams bloody murder when I leave the room. If I am not around, not a problem but if he sees me, might as well give in and get him, because he will scream until I respond. Not an endearing phase.

7) When you reach for him, he reaches back. One of my favorites.

8) He has taken to lots of high-pitched squealing and screaming when excited. All fine and fun at home but no so much in the middle of dinner at a public restaurant.

9) He has mastered lots of "bababa" and "mamama" sounds with no real meaning and even likes to imitate his quacking duck stuffed animal. He talks alot and often finds himself quite funny.

10) He loves chilling in the big part of the stroller--kicks his legs up, arm over the side...and just enjoys the ride.

I can honestly say...he is changing very quickly from baby to little boy.


Lesley said...

I love this. So fun to read about him growing up. I may have to copy you. I love stealing good ideas from my friends.

Anonymous said...

This was fun to read and made me laugh!