Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Separation Anxiety

So, this past weekend I had my first night away from Gavin. A few of us drove to Michigan City for a little girls time and shopping. We left on Friday night and after a full day of shopping, we came home on Saturday night. The thing is, when you really count it out, I wasn't even gone from Gavin for a whole 24 hours....and when I am talking about separation anxiety, I'm definitely talking about MINE not his! I couldn't get it out of my head that for his entire life, I have been there every morning when he wakes up...except for this one. Not that I had anything to worry about, he was in good hands--his Daddy was very excited for some uninterrupted one-on-one time. There was no shortage of shed tears and pangs of guilt on my part but we all survived. In fact, I had lots of fun with the girls talking weddings, babies, family, food and clothes. We enjoyed spending time together and getting in some serious shopping. Thanks girls for a great weekend--it was great to get out and spend some quality time with you! When all was said and done, I have to admit, I couldn't wait to get home and fill my night with silly kisses and belly laughs from my two favorite guys.

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