Friday, June 6, 2008

On the Move...

Ok, my life as I know it has officially ended. This past week and a half, Gavin went from being partially mobile to full on crazy crawling. He had become quite efficient at rolling and an adorable army crawl and now this...he crawls everywhere and just loves it. He gets quite excited at his accomplishment when he covers an entire room. In addition to this, he has started to pull up on everything. So far, I've only witnessed pulling to an actual stand a handful of times...mainly he gets to his knees and is so excited he tips over. This of course causes me much stress about what he will hit on the way down from a full or partial stand. It also means anything in his reach is fair game--this is a lesson to me. I mean who puts a cup of water on an end table these days?? On the plus side...I'm going to develop some pretty cat like reflexes in reaction to him as well as some pretty sweet thigh muscles from all the squatting next to him trying to break his falls...oh yeah, and the elation on his face is priceless.

I'll have to post some pics soon...although I am trying to learn how to post a video as well. However, right now we are literally ready to be on the move as we are heading to South Haven for 5 days with Chad's family. I'll have lots to write about when we return!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

oh my goodness! Way to go little man. Just pass Molly right on by...go ahead...she won't mind. And the chasing will soon begin! How fun Jen. It's amazing how fast they learn.