Monday, February 16, 2009

Choo Choo Johnny's

Last week Monday we went on a super fun playdate with our friends to Choo Choo Johnny's. It is a restaurant in Frankfort where they have a model train in front, a train going around the top of the restaurant and of course, a train that delivers your food to you. It was right up Gavin's alley. He was SO amazed. From the minute we walked in, he just started pointing and grunting. Since the restaurant was kindof empty, we was running around the whole thing while chasing the train that went along the ceiling. He was IN HEAVEN. Actually, all the kids had a blast, Gavin and Cooper being the oldest were totally into the trains but even Lauris and Jackson were fascinated at all the movement going around. He even ended his experience with a train ride with Elena. It was a fun morning to catch up with the girls and watch the kids have so much fun.


Lisa Thomson said...

That straw pic is the best!

Carrie said...

That looks like fun! I wish we had some different kids things like that to do around here.