Wednesday, September 2, 2009


The other morning I was getting ready to take a shower with Gavin so we could get going for the day. Usually he hops right in and starts playing with the toys and shampoo bottles. This particular morning, he thought it would be WAY more fun if I chased him around to get him in there. My chasing resulted with him cornered in the closet...which led to a hysterical game of peek-a-boo...which of course had me running through the house naked for my camera. Sigh, the things a Mom will do for a good picture.

The best part of these I can't see those two chubby little legs sticking out.

Totally laughing and proud of himself each time.

What a grin!

Yet again....where's Gavin?

Such a ham!!

1 comment:

Amanda A said...

Love this! Especially the little legs sticking out from the clothes!