Wednesday, May 26, 2010

6 Months - What!?!?!

Seriously, at what point did 6 months come and go? Half a year my baby has been here outside of my womb, lighting up my life. This little (did I really use the term little in referring to Syd?) girl is a funny little monkey.

Dr's Notes:

She weighed in at a whopping 22 lb 4 oz and is 28 1/2 inches long. The dr simply said, she is the size of the average 15-18 month old child. That's my Sydney. She's all rolls, pudge and giggles. I love it. She weighs more than Gavin weighed at 1 year. She's awesome. Dr said everything looks good and considering her size, she is a VERY strong little girl but that is nothing new.

My Notes:

Syd is all about funny faces. She loves big open mouth grins and what I call her "Popeye" face where she sticks out her lower jaw, kinda to the side in a big smile while crinkling up her nose. It cracks me up. She's discovered how to blow raspberries and does ALL.THE.TIME. It's a real challenge when it comes to feeding her. She has been slow to grasp onto eating and does much better with the baby food than the cereal. However, on most occasions one or both of us require a change of clothes after all the blowing and spitting that is going on. She's rolling everywhere and getting much better at sitting up. Each day she sits longer and longer. She still loves her brother more than anything. She's still a Momma's girl and nurses 4 times a day. She has pretty much given up the 3rd nap in defiance so its down to two naps a day and a 7 pm bedtime. She loves her bouncy exersaucer which is truly where she demonstrates the muscle hiding behind the rolls. She recognizes her Daddy and Grandma with special smiles.

She's a funny little monkey who is seriously too cute for words.


Lisa Thomson said...

seriously, she is just the cutest little moosh!

Carrie said...

Such a happy girl!! Seriously, one lucky Mama! What was it Taylor said?? Something about her being happy, and Lo not?? Can't remember. Love her!