Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gavin's Glasses

So...upon my mom's recommendation, I took Gavin to see a nuerological optometrist.  She kept encouraging I look into this dr (who is over an hour away) and I finally relented. 

I have to admit, the first appointment went NOTHING like I expected and I left feeling frustrated, upset and annoyed.  We were there for over two hours.  The dr's assistant did a myriad of tests which are not your typical eye tests.  They tested things like motor planning, crossing midline, visual and auditory sequencing, etc.  She had him try on a bunch of different prism style glasses to see how Gavin reacted--whether they made him more or less aware of his surroundings, more or less unsteady, etc.

Finally when seeing the dr I was just confused....which she only made worse.  She talks in circles a bit and for me, is really hard to follow.  She did some basic eye tests but also tests I've never seen before.  One of them was a bell test.  She would have Gavin close his eyes and she would ring a bell on each side of him.  With eyes closed, he had to touch the bells (some of high and low frequency).  Rarely could he touch them.  Then she would put on different prism glasses and low and behold...he touched the bell each time. 

She basically explained that there was a deficiency between his auditory and visual integration and by wearing the prism glasses, they would change the way his mind filtered that information, making them work together.  Its hard to understand and even harder to explain.  I just use the bell analogy because it is the only thing that makes sense to me.

Regardless she prescribed him glasses. My little man is getting glasses!! I left the office feeling frustrated by the doctor....feeling like I yet again encountered a dr that is giving me a "problem" in my son and more things to fix...and deep down, sad that Gavin has to wear glasses. I love his cute little face and don't want to cover up any inch of it.  However, I know that any small thing we can do to help him out is worth it!

We've since gotten the glasses....Gavin LOVES wearing them and as far as covering up his adorable face....well, you be the judge. He's as handsome as ever!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

What a stud. Love the glasses. Funny how fast you get used to them huh?