Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

This past Sunday was my very first official Mother's Day. I am pretty sure Gavin knew he had to treat me special because it was the first time...ever...that he slept in until 7:50 am and I have to admit, it was pretty amazing. Chad and Gavin also picked out a sweet jogging stroller and accompanied it with some beautiful flowers for Mother's Day. Indeed, they definitely treated me special and I love them both for it. Thank you. Here are a few pictures that I love from my first Mom's Day.

So, it got me thinking about being a Mom and how last year at this time, I had no idea how my life would change. Which leads me to a list....

10 Things I've Learned about being a Mom (So Far)....

1) No matter how many toys you give them, they want what they can't have (ie. the menu, paper, your hair, computer mouse, cords, etc.).

2) Everytime you think you have it under control and figured out, they change it up--be it, naptime or how to calm them down-- they always keep you guessing.

3) How to eat an entire meal in under 1 minute.

4) Sometimes it is ok to listen to everyone's advice and do the opposite thing because....

5) Maternal instincts do in fact exist and they are usually right on.

6) Your baby's smile and laugh is the absolute sweetest image and sound. It will cause you to smile until your cheeks hurt and laugh until your belly aches.

7) No matter how short your to-do list each day, it is undoubtedly not going to be completed.

8) Your best it ALWAYS good enough...even when it doesn't feel like it.

9) To be a mother is like watching your heart exist on the outside of your body. You feel every bump, bruise and happy moment they do.
10) "A Mother's Love" is not a cliche at all...there is truely nothing like it.


Carrie said...

I love it. Very cute, and very very true!

Lesley said...

Definitely cute Jen! Happy first Mother's Day to you! You are so wise, and seemed to have learned quickly all the things it took me years to learn. :)

Anonymous said...

Awww. This made a little teary. I'm so excited to be a mom! :)