Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What's Yours Is Mine

Yesterday we had a playdate with my cousin Jess and her daughter Cally. Cally is approximately 6 hours older than Gavin which means sometimes watching these two is like watching two little peas in a pod. Gavin has a bit of a runny nose going on so we tried (key word is tried) to keep these two from sharing all their toys. However, the most fun game they played all day was taking each other's pacis out of the other's mouth and trying to get it in their own....that and of course the paper bag. Now, that was definitely the "toy" of choice. It was fun to watch these two get so excited by one another...and Gavin mainly watched Cally as she ran circles around him. She was trying to teach him how to move around but his chunky little thighs just couldn't quite keep up. Thanks to my mom for bringing a great lunch and thanks for having us Jess!

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