Monday, August 18, 2008

11 Months and Counting

Gavin had an 11 month milestone this week...and I felt like again, I should make some notes about "where he is at." So, here are a few words I'd use to describe him lately.

Expressive-- Gavin is very animated in his speech, actions, facial expressions...everything. He cracks me up b/c when he is happy most often the whole room knows it and when he is mad...the whole room knows it...

Interactive--He loves to play with other kids or dogs and even when they are playing around him, he thinks they are playing with him. He just in general, likes to interact with anyone who will pay attention to him while he plays, eats, anything.

Strong-- Gavin's body is dense and he can be a little powerhouse. In fact, he is getting quite close to walking...he can stand on his own, he can push his cart around but has yet to take some steps on his own. He amazes me with his "boy strength" and attitude all the time. He absolutely loves to wrestle and rough-house.

Inquisitive-- This is typical at this age but he gets into everything and wants to know what everything is..feels like...and yes, tastes like. If I have something in my hand, he wants to know what it is and he is constantly leaning out of my arms, stroller and car seat to see around something at another person or item. In fact, he can be quite nosy. He is also very into putting things IN something. He will sit and put things in and out of a bucket or bowl or cup for a long time.

Verbal-- I mean this in the NON-traditional sense. As in, he has yet to say any Mama, no Dada...nothing. However, he is a loud-mouth. He is constantly "talking," yelling and growling. In fact, he would send most of my family into a fit of laughter at Silver Lake b/c they all loved his gravelly low voice which he used non-stop. Hopefully soon he'll grace us with a real word....but I'm not holding my breath.

Determined/Stubborn-- As you know, this is a quality he has shown since birth. He is determined when he wants something and will let you know his opinion if he does not get it. We are often caught in a battle of wills and after 11 months, I don't think that will change.

Happy-- Seriously, it has to be said, my kid is just so darn happy most of the time. Those of you who know him as an infant would have never thought it possible but now, he is just generally happy and smiley. He is constantly engaging everyone we come across with his smiles and silly banter. He lights up my life everyday and seems to have that affect on others as well.

And as a PS--he just cut his first top tooth...and he hasn't even been that miserable lately...just sleeping a ton which is awesome for us!


Lesley said...

So cute Jen. Great post.

Carrie said...

He has such great little personality, seriously. It's going to be fun to see how it grows as he gets older.