Thursday, December 24, 2009

Harris Christmas

This year as usual, we went up to Detroit to celebrate Christmas with Chad's family the weekend before Christmas. As always, we had a great time and Gavin in particular loved being with his grandparents, aunt & uncle and cousins. He just wants to run and do everything Kate and Morgan do. It's so fun to watch them all together. Syd on the other hand had a couple of rough nights--no sleep, lots of crying and some projectile spit up situations...nonetheless we survived and hope there are better nights to come. Here are the pics of our stay. Girls cousies first meeting!
Syd got lots of cuddles from Auntie Christa.
Uncle Nate is no stranger to holding baby girls.
Gavin experimenting with his snowman-making kit--carrot nose.

A little R & R with Daddy.

She is the "best gift ever."

Doesn't this look appetizing? Its tradition that on "Christmas Eve" Chad's family eats Oyster stew together. They say its a Norwegian thing...I say its a nasty thing!
As quickly as his first bite of oyster went was out!
Napping with Daddy.
Moe & Kate are ready for presents!
The four Harris grandkids.
Kate LOVED her new horse from Gavin and Syd.
Morgan modeling her new "fancy nancy" wave in her new gloves.
Mickey Mouse!!!
This is how my festive little mistletoe enjoyed the festivities.
A whole set of play food from Gram and Gramp! A huge hit!
Grandma & Grandpa snuggling in with all the grandkids.
My little Mozart. that an 'A' or a 'C'
Our fam of four.
Grandma & Grandpa Norton's first time with Sydney.

1 comment:

Lisa Thomson said...

Great family picture of you guys! Looks like a festive time was had by all...including Syd in her adorable "Best Gift Ever" shirt!