Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Post-Pregnancy Highlights.

Here are a couple of things I've found excitement in this week. Week two after having baby:

1 - I can lay on my stomach. Flat. Its glorious and oh so comfy.

2 - I can tie my shoes without help, grunting, being out of breath and/or taking a break.

3 - My boobs stick out farther than my stomach. Its been a long time since that happened. (for most of you that have seen me while nursing, you know this is really not a testament to my flat abs in any way, shape or form...rather a testament to the enormity of my chest. however, due to the crazy proportions of my body, it gives me a small victory that my puffy stomach is still smaller than something on my body).

Things still on the horizon to look forward to: coffee, fountain cokes, my pre-pg jeans and dying my hair (among MANY other things of course).


Lisa Thomson said...

hey, it's the little victories that count! celebrating with you... :)

Carrie said...

Totally agree with all of those!

Amanda A said...

Oh, those sounds so good right now!!! I am secretly really jealous of #1, hands down. Oh, how I long to sleep on my stomach again! Good for you and getting back to "normal".