Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is traditionally low key for us...we go out for dinner with my family and usually just spend time at home. This year we spent some time with just our own little family. Chad & I helped Gavin open a few presents that we got him which were a huge hit and spent some time playing and goofing around. It was fun to be able to enjoy a little bit of Christmas just the three of us.

Learning how to slam dunk, just like his Daddy.

Working on his form.

All smiles.
His preferred spot to open gifts.

My two favorite guys.

Horsing around. "Ahhhh..." Come on, I know you can hear it.

Best friends....and Maddie doesn't even know it.

Our blurry but happy family.

1 comment:

Lisa Thomson said...

I think this is one of the best things about having kids...starting your own family traditions!