Friday, July 17, 2009

Lunching and Pooling

On Tuesday mornings my Mom and Grandma golf at Calumet Country Club. So, in an effort to get us all together to hang ...and of course take advantage of a great pool...we are starting a weekly pool date. After Mom and Gram are done golfing, whoever can go of my aunts, cousins and kids meet at the pool for lunch and then swimming. This past Tuesday was our first official day ...yes, it has taken us until mid-July to get this organized. It was beautiful out and the kids had tons of fun swimming and playing together. Gavin however, was a bit out of sorts and spent much of the time whining, moaning and/or throwing a tantrum (there is a major sharing problem involved with that one). I'm thinking it could be teeth but you never know. Regardless, we made it home for a decent nap that afternoon after which he did perk up some. Here are just a few pics I got of the day. Hopefully these fun days will continue for the rest of the summer (minus the tantrums of course).

1 comment:

Amanda A said...

Fun! Does your Gramp get in on the action too? :)