Saturday, May 28, 2011

Familiar Faces

Our trip was amazing. I LOVED spending time with my husband wandering the streets, exploring, learning, relaxing, eating, name it. It was so rejuvenating. BUT....I missed two little faces more than you can fathom. By day 7, it was starting to take hold and by day 9, I wanted out. I loved our time but I was ready to come home. Our flight home ended up being a nightmare--lots of tears and running and almost missed flights. The airline had cancelled my reservation which sent us into a tailspin through two airports trying to get home. I was beyond distraught with the idea we weren't making it home. Somehow (grace of God) we made it onto our flight home (different rows, middle seats) and at that point, I wanted nothing more than to see my babies.

Of course, we came home bearing gifts....never have two little cuties looked so cute to me.

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