Friday, June 5, 2009

Harrison Thomas Yonker

Our new nephew Harrison Thomas was born on May 28, 2009 to my brother Kyle and his wife Heather. He shares a birthday with my little brother Chad and an awesome "birthday month/week" with Chad and yours truly. He weighed in at 7 lbs exactly and 19 1/2 inches long.

Mom and baby are doing well and adjusting great! He's already shaping up to be a an angel baby with some solid nursing skills and great sleeping habits already!

He is beautiful and perfect and we are so excited to welcome him to the Yonker family and have Gavin's very first cousin on this side of the family. I know there will be so much fun in the future for these two!

Proud Daddy in the hospital.

Sweet, sweet face...looks just like his Momma!

Meeting my nephew for the first time!

Introducing Gavin to "Baby Harry." We're still working on the interest level but hoping it will come later. Although he did resist the forced interaction I was creating, later he did pat him gently and give him a sweet kiss on the top of the head.

A little smirk...5 days old.

Gavin was helping Grandma put Baby Harry's socks back on.

His true love at Kyle and Heather's...the dog, Remy.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

He's super cute!