Thursday, June 18, 2009

Signing Times

I've been meaning to post on Gavin's speech development (and not focus on the lack thereof)...but focus more on his growing "vocabulary." It is amazing how quickly he picks up on a sign or immediately tries to copy what I am doing. In fact, I actually should be so much more proactive about using them constantly so that he continues to communicate with them. Our families and friends are constantly asking us what he is saying as he uses his "words" throughout the day.

Chad and I made a list the other day of all the signs that he knows how to do. Some he can do immediately upon asking and some he's only done a few times but still...his signing vocabulary is amazing.

Here's our list:

Animals (usually these coordinate with the appropriate sound and a few are just sounds but work just the same): elephant, lion, sheep, cow, horse, duck, bird, pig, camel, zebra, monkey, fish, bee, dog, cat, lizard, snake, dinosaur

Objects: airplane, car/truck/drive, train, milk, cheese, fruit/apple, shoes, ball, baby

Actions: more, eat, please, thankyou, on, off, in, out, again, go, work, all done, night-night, hi/bye, open

The thing is...I'm sure there is more that could be added to the list, I just can't think of them right now. One of these days...maybe I can post a video of him doing many of them.


Lisa Thomson said...

wow! it really is amazing how much he has picked up and how quick! and props to you and chad for learning them, too!

Amanda A said...

Gavin is such a smart little guy. I love watching him sign, he is so stinking cute!